Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report


I have know idea why they chose me or how they recieved my information, but father always told me if it sounds to goo to be true it is. I believe it is a scam because before I decided to seal envelope I checked on the internet for them and found all these claims of a scam. I honestly can't believe that they would scam money from anyone especially a disabled sick person like me. I am tormented by this because my financial situation is poor at this time. This is why I was feeling desperate to send the 20.00. Thank God I was lead by the Holy Spirit to check it out first. I pray these folks are caught and that everyone they stole money from gets it back with interest.

Company: Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Fort Lauderdale
ZIP: 33340
Address: PO Box 409006
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Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Co., P.O. B 409006, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33340
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report