Consumer Report


Ordered UGG mini (or what I thought was UGG) boots from this website. Finally received them (1/4) and after close inspection, discovered that they are NOT authentic UGG boots. Two completely different type "FAUX FUR" linings (different colors) covering fake PINK sheepskin. Ridiculous. Should have researched this website before I placed an order.
This is a statement on their website in the "About Us" section: "You can rest assured that you are receiving high quality perfect UGG Boots."
LIES. Lies. Lies. *beware*. Do NOT purchase anything from this website. I'm pretty sure that I will not be receiving any kind of refund although they claim to have "return and exchange services available on all UGG orders." We'll see.
Makes me sad to know that there are people out there that can sleep at night after committing these stupid crimes. Shame on me for being so naive.

Company: Cheapuggoutlet.Us
Country: USA
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Fake sheepskin boots Fake ugg boots and yeepay
Consumer Report

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