Biotech Research
Consumer Report


Ordered the New 2012 EdenPURE Gen4 portable infrared heater w/new edenFLOW technology, designed and engineered in the US off an infomercial recommended and endosed by Bob Vila as the #1 portable heater. Biotech Research, the custumers service Rep. And distributor of the product sent me the wrong unit on three different occassions. I was sent the EdenPURE gen4 2011 model which is not the advertsed unit. After each unit was returned I spoke with a costumer service reps. On numerous occasions and was told that I would receive the correct unit (the 2012 Gen4model) but yet all three time time the 2011 model was sent. I'm tired of the deception and the false advertising. Why can't I get the unit advertised on the infomercial and not last year's overstock, just give me what I order. Wrote a letter to Biotech Research's president & CEO expressing my dissatifaction with their company failure to provide the right product as advertised. I also state in the letter that I'm going above beyond the complaint letter to the company and will contact the FCC, FTC, BBB, and local TV stations that deal with consumer complaints.

Company: Biotech Research
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Canton
ZIP: 44767
Address: 7800 Whipple Avenue Northwest
Phone: 3304945504
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Biotech Industries
Biotech Research, EdenPure Poor quality products, false promises, no restitution

Biotech Research/Gen4 Heater
Product Defects

Biotech Research, Suarez Corporation International
Biotech Research, SCI Terrible customer service - dubious products

Edenpure, Biotech Research, Suarez Corporation Industries
Biotech Research, Suarez Corporation Industries Read this Report! You won't believe your eyes! Unless of course you bought one too

EdenPure Gen 4
Blowing nothing but cold a

Biotech Research
EdenPURE The Company will not honor waranty

Biotech Research
SUAREZ CORPORATION INDUSTRIES sent me 2 crappy heaters that don't work refuse to refund my money

Edenpure, Biotech Research, Suarez Corporation Industries
A waste of money, poor products, and I pitty their customers

Miss Leading Advertising Ripoff

Biotech Research
False Advertising