HCG Activato
Consumer Report


How do I get in touch with them in order to resolve this? I accepted the "Free" trial of this... I cancelled due to health reasons. I am being charged every month

Company: HCG Activato
Country: USA
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Health and Wellness Resources
Consumer Report

Mango Fandango
Deceptive company, the business that doesn't give a dam, Ruined my wedding

HCG Activato
Consumer Report

Nouveau Tech
The Greatest Kept Secret Of All Time ripoff City

Bank of America
Credit card interst rate

Stay In Touch Long Distance
AKA Intouch ripoff! Dishonest fraudulent billing

Shop America
Accepted 30 day trial and i cannot cancel my creditcard its being charged every month

MWI Essentials, MWI Premier Health, Galleria
MWI Essentials, MWI Health, Galleria, Premier Health, Charged my credit card even after I cancelled during the 30 day trial period, Did not send the free gift certificates as advertised rip-off

Providian Emerge Mastercard
RIPOFF mistreated and ripped off

Fairbanks Capital Corp
Trying hard to rip us off with nothing but lies