Consumer Report


I joined their Home Wealth Computer coarse I was told I would get one on one training with a coach. The only training I received was
buying and selling on E Bay because I did not Know anything about
Computers I then had to pay their SOE extra to do everything for me
Something I was not informed of at the start of the Coarse. I also did
not realize that I had sixty days to cancel with the visa card. We also
had to sign a confidentialy form that we would not tell any body that
we were doing the Home Wealth Computer.

Company: HomeWealth-Sys.com
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Grandville
ZIP: 49417
Address: 2885 Sanford Ave SW, #15478
Phone: 8883328948
Site: simplehomewealthsystem.com
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Consumer Report

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Hipcor Marketing
And Computer Career Institute are a scam!

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Consumer Report

Mars Venus Coaching
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