Consumer Report


This guy Dan asked for a job via craigslist I made it and then he refuses to pay. He got the work for free and never paid. Said the client had to approval etc etc and more excuses and made me lost my time I think he got the work for free on craigslist and then resell it. Craigslist is a REALLY nasty place for scammer this DAN was just one of 4 people that scammed this week. So basicly he put me to work I delivered the workand never paid. Got the work for free DONT WORK FOR THAT GUY Dan@nycwebit.com NEVER

Company: Dan@nycwebit.com
Country: USA
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Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Susan Calbern
Consumer Report

Internetpayday. Co/? Sid=
Consumer Report

Allen D Einstoss
Allen David Einstoss Did sub work for me very sub par work, took things from jobsite that didnt belong to him and tried to steal work and cleints from me

He does cleanouts on houses and promises to pay you but never does

Work From Home Cookbook - Post Ads Get Paid
Pays. 15 to post ads to Craigslist and you lose your Craigslist account

Christopher Gamuyao
Christopher Vic Gamuao, Stole $100 dollars promising to do work on Craigslist

Milwaukee craigslist People like deyhaati and pabironmannbb answering craigslist ads just to be stupid

Job ads classifieds