Consumer Report


I dont rember signing up for this dont even know what it is and they took money out my count somehow and refuse to refund my money now that i look back at bank statement some how they all so took 9.99 out as well like i said i never been on this web sight at all and when i try to sighn into it it doesnt even reconize my address or pass word i just want my money back NOW... I called and he keep saying that you dont remember no i dont cause i never been on here... Something needs to be done and i want my money back NOW...

Company: EBizPckg
Country: USA
Phone: 8669559132
Site: internetpayday.co
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Makemoneytakingsurveys.org What A Ripoff Seriously Read This
This company will rob you blind! Makemoneytakingsurveys.org

Online Biz Marketting.com
They were taking money out of my bank Acc. Without my permission An cost me a over draft fee for something, dont know what it was That I never sighned up for or even wanted in the first place. For the amount of $129.85

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Lynk Bulding And Engergy Solutoins
Company dont pay what they advertise and state in a first meetin g Ripoff

Zummberg Global Mark
Ripoff fraud bad company

Money On TheGo.net
Consumer Report

Ripoff, if it is gonna be shipped by fedex dont buy it!

Civic Development Group
I like civic!