Nue products & auravie
Consumer Report


Trial periods I am very careful about. After reading over info 4 times there was NO MENTION whatsoever about billing prior to close of trial period. The same day I placed the order for these products I called and canceled each... Still got them... Called again, sent customer service email to each site AND a regular email to each site approximately 3 weeks ago... 3 days letter received a more package from each company. I explained that I had called and sent emails and was called a liar. I got a return number for Nue... But had no money to be able to ship it back until now. I didn't want to wait that long but between these 2 companies my account is now in red for almost $300 with these "product" charges and insufficient fund charges. I tried to be as civil as possible to the cs rep, but he was a wise guy who didn't want to hear anything. After 30 years in business myself I still find it hard to believe that companies blatently rip off customers routinely without the blink of an eye. I needed an appointment with a doctor that I waited 3 months for... Since they wiped out my account I couldn't see the doctor... I have to wait another month. I would love to see both these companies and the persons in charge go down in flames... And since I had the same reaction from both I do think they are one in the same... Eventually the authorities will catch up with them but in the meantime they are hurting people in ways that they don't even care about.

Company: Nue products & auravie
Country: USA
State: California
ZIP: 90066
Address: 12228 Venice Blvd
Phone: 8008952698
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