NMX*Gold Stock Adviso
Consumer Report


After unsuccessful emails and two phone calls I finally got a customer service individual on the line. I did record the conversation for my personal records as I did not have a pen.

The woman was polite and professional— a pleasant interchange. She immediately provided confirmation of the charges that had been made to my credit card and entered full refund authorizations with confirmation numbers. Upon inquiry she also confirmed that I would not be billed for anything nor receive anything from the company (not that I had received anything to date). I will monitor for the refunds. This might restore a bit of faith after significant frustration.

Company: NMX*Gold Stock Adviso
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: West Palm Beach
ZIP: 33416
Address: PO Box 20989
Phone: 5616861165
Site: newsmaxstore.com
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NMX*Gold Stock Adviso
Consumer Report

NMX*Gold Stock Adviso
Consumer Report

NMX*Gold Stock Adviso
Consumer Report

NMX*Gold Stock Adviso
Consumer Report

NMX*Gold Stock Adviso
Consumer Report

NMX*Gold Stock Adviso
Consumer Report

NMX*Gold Stock Adviso
Consumer Report

NMX*Gold Stock Adviso
Consumer Report

NMX*Gold Stock Adviso
Consumer Report

NMX*Gold Stock Adviso
Consumer Report