Consumer Report


Another scam site, a breeding ground for international scammers. They are using united states addresses, they tell you there in the country going to school or working in the us, when they are actully overseas. They try to get you on the hook and then they ask for money big red flags. Stay away from site. Not looking for reinbersment, just looking out for my fellow man

Company: Click@Flirt
Country: USA
State: Scotland
City: Edinburgh
Address: 23 Manor Place
Phone: 441312201313
  <     >  

This web site is the most used by more scammers then I have ever associated myself with

Nel Finance
Eric Nelson, United States Jobs Alliance Job Scam promising overseas jobs after paying $175.00 for fake international background check

Must High
Must High School is NOT accrediated by the UNITED STATES DEPT OF EDUCATION or any STATE

United States Jobs Alliance
Scammed me out of $175.00 on the promise of an overseas job

Cherry lips communications
Therese Aitch Using night flirt to pimp and scam girls

International Financial Services
Major scam

Nels Finance
Eric Nelson This is a scam promising overseas security jobs after you pay for FAKE international background check

Consumer Report

United States Golf Schools & Travel
Mitch Rental Car Scam

MacAnthony Realty International (MRI) Group of Companies, Dominic Pickering, Wendy MacAnthony, Peterborough United Football Club
Boiler room, scammer, MacAnthony Realty International | DCC International Property | Legal Independence | Carter-Ruck Solicitors | Capita Financial Partners | Bansko Furniture