Consumer Report


On December 13 at 7pm, I had placed a "want to buy" (WTB) ad on craigslist for San Diego Charger tickets bc I wanted to take my family to the the last home game of the season. On December 14 at 9:30 pm, I received a call from a guy named Josh saying that he had 4 tickets to the Chargers game, I had told him I would call him back the following day to follow up with the tickets. On December 15, we spoke over the phone and he said that he was in Pittsburg, PA and couldn't make it to the charger game so he was selling them. He seemed to be genuine about selling them after I told him I was skeptical about buying tickets from someone out of state, yet he assured me that he wasn't trying to scam anyone and get in trouble over $150.. Then I agreed to go ahead and buy them, but he says he doesn't have a paypal account and that I would need to go to a Vons or a Safeway so I can send the money through a thirdparty. He that it was best to go to a Vons or Safeway and use a western union transfer bc that way, atleast there's a name that the money was going to incase something goes wrong... Well it did. I sent the money to him, he calls me saying he's gona make a call to the box office and switch over his tickets under my name. He tells me in order to transfer tickets under my name, he would have to send them a photocopy of his ID and a letter stating the ownership change. He then confirms with me that he received a confirmation letter but I might need to bring a copy of his ID and the transfer letter when I pick up the tickets. 6 hours later, he's still giving me the runaround about faxing the documents as I waited at a postal annex for his fax.By the time the box office was closed, he said he would email me the confirmation letter and the rest of the stuff when he got home... He never did. So he continues to txt me throughout the night saying he'll get it done. But after waiting until 11pm PST, he txt me back saying it's late and his girlfriends sleeping bc he's in Pittsburgh, so I txted him back saying call me in the morning. On Decemeber 16 at 8am. PST, I called him repeatedly and got no answer, I left an message, and even text messaged him to call me asap. Then I call the Chargers box office to verify if my name was under the will call office where I was suppose to pick up the tickets, my name didn't show up... Then I get a text back from the bastard an hour later with a message " call lunch b" which I assumed he'd call me during his lunch break, and now he's just ignoring my calls. I then began searching on the internet for any scams associated with this guy or phone number and even paid an online phone tracking service to get information on the number. I soon found several posts from victims stating the exact same story from the same person and the exact same owner of the phone numbers linked to a "Samantha Gallick" from the state of PA. The number is registered with a cell company partnered with Verizon wireless. I have contacted the local authorities in Pittsburg, PA and spoke with a Detective Jordan from the internet crimes department and he had already knew of this person's scams and that they know who the person is but they can't arrest him bc of jurisdiction issues with Allegheny county where the guy is running his operation from and I would need to be present in order to file criminal charges against him bc of PA court law. The detective had said that all the scams were outside the state of PA and that victims were not going to go out of their way to fly to PA and testify against this scumbag, BUT I am WILLing to fly to PA and testify against him so I hope others who have fallen victim to this lowlife will continue to pursue criminal charges against him. Please please call the Allegheny, PA police department (412) 473-1200 or Detective Jordan from the Pittsburgh Police e-crimes division at (412) 323-7138.. The more followups and persistence will pay off once this guy is locked up! The He's victimized enough people and it's time that he pay for his crimes. He goes by the name Nicholas Yates, Joshua Yates, Justin Russaslo, Jesse Ramonez, jesse gasior, and using a phone number under a Samantha Gallick (Personal Info Removed).. This is by far the most convincing scam artist I ever knew, he could lie til his teeth fell off so he is definitely a veteran in internet crimes bc he appears to study his victims by researching information regarding the WTB ads for events/concerts/football tickets etc. And then selects his next victim so I am begging you to please follow up on this case as he has scammed countless victims on record and is continuing to prey on hard working citizens! Again I will be willing to fly to PA and testify against this crook just so that no one else has to go through the same fate as myself and countless others! I hope other victims would join me against this scum of the earth! God Bless and Happy Holidays!

Country: USA
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Jesse Gasior
Jesse Ramonez, Nicholas Yates, Samantha Gallick Craigslist Ticket Scammer victimized dozens throughout the nation and police need us to testify against this scumbag

Justin Russaslo

Jesse Gasior
Jeremy Paxoni, Jesse Ramonez, Samantha Galick, Burning Man Ticket Scam

Justin gorbsden
RYAN GRUDDEN JESSIE GASSIER concert tickets, 100 dollars, ripped off

Jesse Gasior
Ryan Gooden Craigslist ticket scam

Ryan Dermano, Jesse Ramonez, Jesse Gasio
Consumer Report

Richard C Harr
Selling tickets to SC Gamecocks vs Georgia football game, also several other venues ie. Justin Beber and SeaHawks tickets! Asked to send MoneyPak directly to him and he would send tickets by electonic

Jesse Gaisor has BEEN ARRESTED
Gaisor Scam Artist ARRESTED, Victim Statements Needed NOW (April 27th) Jesse Gaisor Sammanth Gallick ARRESTED April 23rd 2012 VICTIM STATEMENTS NEEDED NOW

Discount Tickets To Go This is a scam site. No City, State only a 1-800 number who asks what site they are representing. Selling Duplicate tickets memphis

Tammy Lam
Red Hot Tickets Still at it. Beware of buying tickets on Craigslist in any city