SMC Equestrian Center
Chris White, Shannon Etengoff What a joke!


These people (Chris & Shannon) are not the type of people that you want to get involved with. I will not defame them nor write any lies, everything in my posting is true.

Fact: the horses there are not fed enough. Don't believe me? Check out their new and improved website Look at the big bay horse, Eddie. He didn't used to be skin and bones like he is now!

Fact: they dont turn the horses out when they say they will, or sometimes, they dont turn them out at all.

Fact: the horses are left in filthy stall conditions for days at a time.

Fact: they use horses that dont belong to them in "lessons" and allow people to ride BOARDER'S horses without asking the permission of the boarder

Fact: they will talk about you and tell lies to EVERYONE they know, even though most of those people know that they are liars

Fact: the fat girl, "Jess, " who watches the barn for them (and calls herself the "manager"), is afraid of horses and to my knowledge, has never even gotten on her own. On their website they say that they sold her the paint horse "Cappy, " but they in fact did not.

Fact: they have far more unhappy customers than happy ones

Fact: my horse was injured there and it is still "a big mystery" as to how it happened

Fact: Shannon has a new/different medical ailment every week

Fact: Chris will sell an un-broke horse to a beginner with promises of helping them to train it, which he NEVER follows through with

Fact: Chris will make up any excuse in the world not to get on a horse

Fact: Shannon does not even know how to ride

Fact: the minute you try to get your horse out of there, they will make up stories, call the police, threaten you with a law suit, fly off the handle, and call you names

Here's the thing. They are NICE at first. They seem so genuine and down to earth. But they are disgusting frauds! All these skinny horses on the property that they say are "rescues." Bull! They are their own horses that they hardly feed.

They lost the law suit that they filed against the other poster on here because they are liars and frauds. They did not have a leg to stand on.

DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND STEER CLEAR. Remember, you get what you pay for. Undoing the damage that you will incur here will cost you MUCH more than the different that you will save in board.

And before all the rebuttals from the accused start pouring in, remember: No, i am not a jealous ex-lover or crazy ex-friend. I am just another victim of their widespread BS.

Company: SMC Equestrian Center
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Lockport
Address: Robinson Road
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