Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report


Hi I want to know why this people are calling all these people and getting free money knowing the way the economy is in the united staes and telling people when they call that the card can be used any where and then when u go there website you can only use the card on certain this. This is a scam and I believe that something needs to be done about it asap cause alot of people are struggling the way jobs are and right here at the hoildays. I believe there needs to be a lawsuit filed asap. I already have a lawyer and is investgating about this scam. Please help all these people that they have already gotten all this money from there money back and hopefully more for going through all the issues of losing alot of money. Thanks.

Company: Express Platinum Card
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
ZIP: 89052
Address: 871 Coronado Center Dr, Suite 200
Phone: 8775360076
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Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

Squareup has ripped us off as well they have 4000 dollars of our money you call there help line and noone answers you email them and you get an automated response after alot of research

Wells Fargo

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

Did not order and would like my money returned asap Donna Brooks Guarantees Job for 6000 in cash but no jobs its a scam

Ripoff total scam! Please dont do it! Will rip off your money! Dallas

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Ripoff fraudulent ripoff business, dirty ripoff liars. Rip-off scam in

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They kept me ignorant

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