Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report


Promised that i would get this credit card to help build my credit up. They would send a report to the credit each month. That i could use the card at any store i do business, found out that is a lie. Each time i call to cancel i get nothing but a recording, no one call back. Somebody need to stop this cold blooded lier, i am on a fixed income and can't afford to give my money to liers.

Company: Express Platinum Card
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
ZIP: 89052
Address: 871 Coronado Center Dr, Suite 200
Phone: 8775360076
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Express Platium Card
Web Platium express card $5500 credit builder Credit card with 5,500 limit to help build credit with onr time fee $99.00 but card is only for their site Internet

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

Telmark Consumer Services
Tellmark CREDIT CARD PROCESSING CENTERS ripoff deceptive company

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

Platinum trust card
When they presented the card to me they said it was like an american express card also, i thought it was a credit card to use every day, when i tried to cancel it and get my processing fee back

Platinum GP And NMB Platinum Credit Card
Platinum Gp And NMB Platinum Credit Card "Rip-off" took my money in my bank account with out telling me. I just found out when i cant used my check card that makes my account lots of over drafts fee. Clearwate

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

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