Loan From$
Consumer Report


Ireceived a call indicating I was approved for a loan up to $1500.00 also to receive a credit card for over $2500.00 in items purchased over the internet. Iam concern these people will continue to withdraw money from my account for their so called membership fees and payments. Who other than my bank should I notify. Is there a way to stop them.

Company: Loan From$
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
ZIP: 60680-3338
Address: PO Box 803338 #36370
Phone: 8002690281
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Said i was approved and then they never put the monies in the bank and the card is useless to me ripoff Internet
Consumer Report

Bianca Lopez Loan Agency
Consumer Report

Freedom Subscription, UniGuard Membership
Freedom Ventures Payday loan company uses internet to rip-off bank accounts - Internet Funding Corporation
I applied for a loan with them and was approved only to discover that they were attempting to debit my account for $19 Internet

Pepper Cash
Scam and will continue to steal from you after payment of the loan

GE Money Bank
Consumer Report

Bellwood Approved Funding Group Personal Loan
David Spencer Loan

Instant lending group
They called my cellphone told me i was approved for a loan and asked for all of my information like ss#, bank info, job info, and etc. And said about this gold card for shopping limit was $2500

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report