I dont know the name but the number is 18183805710
Consumer Report


I dont know where this came from, all i know is that i was online appling for loans and when i went into the bank and check my account and 99.49 was taken from my account without my permission.

Company: I dont know the name but the number is 18183805710
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
ZIP: 97208-4120
Address: P.O. Box 4120
Phone: 8183805710
Site: pmcclub.com
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Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Online Biz Marketting.com
They were taking money out of my bank Acc. Without my permission An cost me a over draft fee for something, dont know what it was That I never sighned up for or even wanted in the first place. For the amount of $129.85

Consumer Report

Took money out of my account without my permission

Online Biz
Took money out of my bank with out my permission for something Inever wanter or sighn up fo

Usa Credit Web
This company Riped me off for 149.95. Dont know how they got my information to my bank account. I really need help getting the money put back into my account. Can someone please help me. Thats all th

Supportvantagefundinggapp.com i called the bank and said that a check was written out for $30.00 i didnt give them permission to take it out of my account i dont know trhese people i want my money put back into my account by today check no is99474
Consumer Report

New Millennium Bank, credit Card Prosessing
Removed money under unknown persons name out of my checking account

Secret Cash Card
Fraudulant charges to my Bank with out autorization! Ripoff