EPM SkinRevive
Consumer Report


Requested trial of EPM and Juneneu for myself and a friend. We received first lot, and not satisfied, so sent back within 14 days. Now I have not only been charged for those samples, but 4 more (2 each from EPM and Juneveu) that I have never even received...

I have rung the call centre at least 5 times, and have been disconnected by both Casey and another mail each time. I have lodged a complaint on the website to no avail. I have lodged a dispute with my credit card, still pending...
It is a disgrace and a rip off

Company: EPM SkinRevive
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Hoboken
ZIP: 07030
Address: P.O. Box 1366
Phone: 2019422043, 8006722259
Site: hydroxatone.com
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