Consumer Report


Called my home phone and told me i havebeen excepted to receive grant money that 2.97 was all i need to pay and card number... Told me to go to the email and would recieved info from there on how to get the form fill it out and go from there... Said will charge more in the following month... I am closing my accounts...

Company: Fed-Pack.com/Kit
Country: USA
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EZ Grant Pro
I was mislead to believe i only had to pay $3.95 shipping costs to receive info on how to get grant money. Then they took $89 from my bank account!

Hanna Robertson at Greendot's US Grant System
Consumer Report

Grant Writer Pro
Grant Pro Writer takes money out of account without delivering what they promised Internet

Consumer Report

Grant Partners, The Summit Group Of Utah, LLC, NMR Coaching
Grant Partners, The Summit Group Of Utah, LLC, NMR Coaching Promised garunteed Governmet grant funding for a start-up business Ripoff

Grant Search Asst
They told me all i had to pay for a grant pkg was 1.99 plus 1.00 sh! Never recieved it

Grant One Day

Ic Financial
Ripoff give false info and than a run around

Grant Research Guide
I recieved a phone call asking if i would be interested in receiving info on free grant money from the govt

Hanna Robertson at Greendot's US Grant System - False Advertising fo
Consumer Report