CC Global
Consumer Report


This company withdrew. 01 out of our checking account by using a false check with my husbands name on it. I called the company and spoke with a guy that stated his name was Joshual and his company was a check verification company and they were located in London, England. He ask for the memo# listed... I give to him and he said he cancelled the subcription (to a sex magazine) that was ordered off the internet. He also said he would have our. 01 cent put back in our account within 3 weeks. I ask him... Just curious... What is the monthly charge that you think you are authorized to take out of my account? He said... $29.95. Not sure what is going to happen next but I have already notified my bank and assured them that my husband did not authorize and please let us know what actions we need to take to stop this fraud. I cannot believe that people can just withdraw money from your bank account like these people did and... How are they obtaining all their information re: all these bank accounts? My husband doesn't even write checks nor carry them with him. They had to hack this information... Makes me sick!!!

Company: CC Global
Country: USA
State: California
City: Inglewood
ZIP: 90501
Address: 1880 W. Carson Street, Ste F-330
Phone: 3106868876
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