Mr. Willaim Morgan Of Morgan Loan Venture's Cape Coral, FL
Consumer Report


Promised a $5000.00 dollar loan if you western unioned him $220.00 within 24 hours and then after you send him the money he wants another $310.00 for some sort of bank collateral or something!!! Internet loan scam operations in cape coral, florida it is a big scam operation that needs to have something done about it!!!

Company: Mr. Willaim Morgan Of Morgan Loan Venture's Cape Coral, FL
Country: USA
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Micheal Davis At Internet Billionare System
Con man do not send this man your money Cape Coral florida

Michael Davis Internet Cash Addict
Michael davis conned me by telling me i had two people signed up under me all i had to do was sent him 99.00 money order cape Coral

Don't trust wlp in Cape Coral. Its fake!

Micheal Davis
If you have been a victim of micheal davis please read

PROFIT SUCCESS 877 529 6720 $139.99 US DOLLAR Deducted without
Consumer Report

Time Warner Cable

Gulf Coast Readers
Consumer Report

PROFIT SUCCESS 877 529 6720 $139.99 US DOLLAR Deducted without
Consumer Report

David K. Hernley
Christopher David I'm an F.B.I.informant! It's been alleged by many Woman that have written me that he tried to kill them, and the F.B.I. Is tracking him