Grocery Benefit Fulfillment
Consumer Report


I kept asking if there were strings attatched to gettingb the 1000.00 because am on a limited income. Hesaid oh no youn will get free gifts keep them as well and a gift card for walmart to use asap for the amount of 1000.00.

Company: Grocery Benefit Fulfillment
Country: USA
State: California
City: Northridge
ZIP: 91324
Address: 9420 Reseda Blvd., #400
Phone: 8662762600
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Consumer Report

Consumer Report

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Consumer Report

Walmart Offer For Free $1000 Gift Card
Consumer Report

Central subscription service
WALMART 1000 dollar gift card i did a survey online to win a 1000 walmart gift card i had to buy magazines in order to receive the card, i return i get a select your gift 1000 shoping spree which a home based operation THIS IS A R coon rapids, MN

Consumer Report

Text message: You have just won a free $1000 Walmart Gift Card
Consumer Report

Consumer Report