Berman Lenders Trust
Consumer Report


This is just a fake company altogether, as I found out with the Denver, CO Police Department. I led for a loan, but Mr. Bryant said the lender needed a 3 mo. Collateral, then another 3 mo. And finally wanted a life ins policy payment. Well, being desperate for a loan, only brought me to be stupid. Be very careful, these people don't even reside where they say they do. These scammers really want to be caught by the police and fbi. Just please be careful!!

Company: Berman Lenders Trust
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
ZIP: 80246
Address: 650 S. Cherry Street, 9th Floor
Phone: 3039235938
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Berman Lending Trust
Consumer Report

Berman Lending Trust
Scam Artists, stole my money, gained my trust, acting like he was helping, I told him they scammed me and I wouldnt stop untill I got my money or seen them in Jail

John A. Berman
John Berman, Marjorie Katz Berman, David Berman, Josua Berman, Laurence Berman, Stephen Berman, Larry Berman, Samss Berman, Daniel Berman, Would you trust your legal affairs to this guy?

Berman Lending Trust
Consumer Report

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