Consumer Report


Atenttion all internet buyers please dont be fooled by buying goods from cheapgosale this is a chinese website that offers you a lot and does not give you anything. Allmypaytechnology.Co. Wuhan is the company that get our money on behaf of cheapgosale. I bought a hat at this date, minutes later i was informed that it was out of stock i was asked to exchange it so i did so far i have not received and they sent me a track number that does not exisit and they keep trying to fool me around by sending me emails saying that i need to be patient. Please please lets knock down this people from the internet they just want to get our so hard earned money without a concern. Please be carefull. Betty is the name of the woman that negociates with all the complaints, but she is a real scummer.

Country: USA
State: FJ
City: Fuzhou
ZIP: 351100
Address: San Street
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Consumer Report
Consumer Report
Gulfstream internet group I completed a long of online offers in exchange for long-distance minutes on my phone. I earned well over 1500 minutes. I had 350 minutes left. I made a call last week and everything was fine - I u

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