Advanced Grocery Savings Program / ATS Marketing
Consumer Report


At 5:00 am on the radio station I am listening to, I hear the key words "$1000.00 in groceries". I'm getting this because this government program wants to reserch the shoppong habits in the local area. Sounds great! All I have to do is pay $19.95 for the S/H of the package.
This is all a flat the mail comes a sheet of paper and a card that I could very well print myself for Advanced grocery savings program." A coupon clipping program". Trying to be an optimist I go to the site and try to see if I could at least print some coupons and make my 19.95 back but guess what? You can't even print the coupons and not because I don't have a printer, they don't let you print your own, you must order them and they will mail them to you. This is a hard $20.00 lesson when you have 2 little ones to feed and a job that gives only as much as the people give it... This is a scam thru and thru and I would love nothing more than to be apart of stopping them from robbing my fellow hard workers even if it is what some consider "JUST" 20 bucks. That is $20 that I could be putting in my little ones mouths. SCAM is not even the word.

Company: Advanced Grocery Savings Program / ATS Marketing
Country: USA
Phone: 8662762600, 8887611039
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Advanced Grocery Savers
Consumer Report

Advanced Grocery Savings Program / ATS Marketing
Consumer Report

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Coupon Savers Program
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Advanced Grocery Savers
Consumer Report