WC ValuePlus
Consumer Report


I dont even know who this company is and my bank said they charged my debit card twice. Im very upset because im on a fixed income and i didnt give authorization for these recent transactions. I dont know how they even got my debit card information. I know i didnt give it out. Please help me to get my money back. Thankyou amy

Company: WC ValuePlus
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Minneapolis
ZIP: 55305
Address: 10900 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 700
Phone: 9522582100, 8004751942, 9522582000
Site: valueplusonline.com
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Extremely deceptive, Pro Liars, Thieves, Dishonest, Not sure how they sleep

Diwip casino

Platinum Benifit Group
Total liers and hostile

Legal Affidavit Office - Us National Bank
Dont be fulled with this company legal affidavit office us national bank and you cantt go to jail

Us Magazine Service
Scumbag company... Dont be fooled!

Honestbill63 Ebay User Name
Car buyer on Ebay

Syntratech corp
Rip Off

Magic Jack
I did the 30 days trial-, i used my normal credit card so i could have free 30 days but they charged it anyways. Online online

Ripoffs they dont show there polices on takeing your moneybig money anyway

Rip me off Internet