Leads Valley
Consumer Report


I apply for buisness loan of 750 i got a phonecall from a man claiming he was from leads valley he took my details and said i would be granted the money then i got a phonecall from a woman claiming she was from leads valley aswell and said the same and went through the same process then they said there was a 30 pound fee to process the loan stupidly i gave them my bank details so that they could take the money then i found a few details of people misshapps with them i have been scammed in just a word to the wise stay well clear of leads valley

Company: Leads Valley
Country: USA
City: Maidenhead
Address: 5 High Street, Suite 380
Phone: 441628260379
Site: leadsvalley.co.uk
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Leads Valley
Consumer Report

Ripoff gives you old leads

Quality Smith Inc
Bad Leads, Bad Information. Leads you can't use

Leads Valley
Consumer Report

Take your money and receive no leads, ripoff

Services On Tap
Ripoff bad quality leads

Insurance leads
Insurance leads systems

CBN-Media/Chris Newman
Web leadz website design leads scam, 10 leads for 395


Stay away from Calfinder they force unqualified leads upon contractors internet