Consumer Report


I joined the site and tried to cancell right away and they wont let me talk to anyone to cancell before i get a charge

Company: Exgf.com
Country: USA
State: Herts
City: Harpenden
Address: The East Stable, Thrales End Lane
Site: exgf.com
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Amatuer Match
Total rip off

Acai advanced free trial offer website
Acai optimum, aci weight loss free trial i tried to cancell before my 14 days and they wont give me a comfirmation number, they wont let me cancell before the 14 days and they keep telling me they e-mailed me with a rma # and never did

Consumer Report

Max Savings Clu
Wanted to cancell subscription

Freelotto is a ripoff wont cancell keeps charging my card even after changing card details?

Want to cancell

Consumer Report

Weight loss nutra
Billed after cancellation

Capital Credit Alliance
They took $200 from me for a membership fee i called to cancell and they failed to notify me that i had to send a letter, now they are telling me that they have no record of me

Coupon Saver
In the re required time I called to cancell the membership and they said it wasn't in the computer to call back and did and still they would not cancell it