Anthony Kassas Law Firm
Consumer Report


I hired this company to help with my loan with Chase bank; I answered an advertisement that I got in the mail. I lost $4,000 and it caused me considerable grief and agony. It's my understanding now that the company is closed; I wanted to contact them to tell them that I another company was able to help me when they couldn't. Honestly, I hope that Karma bites Mr. Kassas BIG. I'm sure he and his employees hurt a lot more people than myself.

Company: Anthony Kassas Law Firm
Country: USA
State: California
City: Costa Mesa
ZIP: 92626
Address: 2975 Redhill Avenue, Suite 100
Phone: 8776941412
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Anthony Kassas Law Firm
Consumer Report

Anthony Kassas Law Firm
Consumer Report

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Consumer Report

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Anthony Kassas Law Firm
Consumer Report

Kassas Law Firm
Consumer Report