RV Parks Super Guide
Consumer Report


Got an unsolicited E mail advertising this guide. Sounded and looked like a great offer. On the website. I ordered there $77.00 gude wich was sent to me on CD. After calling ahead on three different campgrounds they listed. And checked on there discounted advertised rate $10 per night or 50% off regular rates. And three campgrounds i called never heard the name. I new then iwas scammed. Called a number of covenent publishing Co that i paid And no answere. At 3 different times. Fortunatley my credit card co took the charge off my account. But am now worried my card no was out there to these people. And canclled it

Company: RV Parks Super Guide
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
ZIP: 19801
Address: 1201 N. Orange St., Suite 7003
Phone: 2024594696
Site: rvparksuperguide.com
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RV Parks S
Consumer Report

Publishers Billing Assoc
Consumer Report

TV Guide
Deceptive advertising of free gifts and preferred subscriber renewal rate

RV Parks Super Guide
Consumer Report

Grant Research Guide - Grant Instructor
Complete rip off - Inactive login and no contact information for customer service

End of the Trail Campgrounds
End of The Trail Campgrounds

RVPark Superguide
Consumer Report

Professional Specialty Publications
University Sports Publications, Municipal Guide Publishing, Hospital Guide Publishing, Military Guide Publishing, School District Publishing Complete Scam of a Company

RV Parks Super Guide
Consumer Report

Total ripoff fraudulent billing product not delivered no response to emails