H-M Support Bel Blz
Consumer Report


I had an unkown charge on my Credit card for $39.95. The person charging me was as above H-M Support BEL BLZ. When I googled this I saw that they apparently make a business of sending unordered goods (mainly Resveratrol) and charging a credit card. They have my address and card number.

In addition to the above I received a notice from the Italian Customs in Catania, Sicily, asking for details of a shipment of chemicals which I also never ordered. My Partner, who works in the Italian post office tells me that if I don't respond they will just return the package to the sender.

The charge was made on 17th October.

I have reported this to the Fraud department of my credit card company who will investigate and remove the charge from my account

Company: H-M Support Bel Blz
Country: USA
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