East Boston Savings Bank
Consumer Report


Stay away and do not bank with East Boston Savings Bank especially at the 10 Meridian Street Branch. They are rude, obnoxious and if you try to tell them anything they laugh at you and if you are right about something they will call their security department on you. They are cry babies.

My ex landlord, Charles A. Findley of 173 Washington Ave, Chelsea, MA
Email: cafindley@yahoo.com
Phone: 617 884 9887

Charles had a deposit account for my security deposit at this bank for $900.00. He comingled my monies with another account at the bank called "C/F Realty".

1) When I left my apartment Mr. Findley only gave me back $100.00 without giving me a breakdown of the conditions of the apartment. He gave me the monies on the day I left.

2) He used monies during my tenancy to pay for his own personal bills, deduct for repairs for my apartment and used the monies against the law.

3) East Boston Savings Bank had a checking account in the name of C/F Realty which is business that never exisited until Mr. Findley was reported to the IRS and The City of Chelsea. He claims to city hall that he did not know he had to get a DBA Certificate. Plus the bank was mad that I told them that they were accepting checks made out to C/F Realty without a DBA certificate on file. Rosa was very upset and I told her she was comitting fraud on behalf of the bank.
"I am calling security on you for calling me fraud". Why Rosa? If you are not guilty you would have walked away.

4) I wanted proof of what the bank was doing with these accounts so I hired a constable to serve the bank serve them papers. All went well and I was told that I would get a paper to sign and I could go to any branch and get the account statments for my security deposit and the fake bank account C/F Realty.

5) I get a letter from the bank stating they will not do it. The Constable called the bank back, spoke to their lawyer and all they said is "we do not care".

The lawyers lied. The bank is very odd in dealing with people.


1) Mr. Findley was using C/F Realty to launder monies.
2) East Boston Savings Bank knew that they were supposed to have a DBA Certificate on file for Mr. Findley
3) Rast Boston Savings Bank will not release statments until they fix the records to reflect that C/F Realty did exisit.
4) Rosa's family is involved with the MS-13 gang in East Boston.

Oh and Mr. Findley had to pay $75.00 to get C/F offically his DBA in Chelsea after he was caught on October 16. So, guess what any rents I paid to him prior I am getting my money back.

Do not deal with this bank. The help people launder monies.
Do not even open an account with them, they probably will help you launder monies.


Company: East Boston Savings Bank
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Boston
ZIP: 02128
Address: 10 Meridian St
Phone: 6175671500
Site: ebsb.com
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