Global Fortune Network
Consumer Report


In December several people called promising me great returns if I only did a little "advertising" for them, and they would show me how with very little expense. Their instructions were useless, so they used hard sales tactics to sell me an advertising package guaranteed to net 125% of my investment within 90 days. It's been nearly a year and I have received nothing, and now their website is down and they don't return phone calls. I'm afraid they are out of business and I'm out 5 grand!

Company: Global Fortune Network
Country: USA
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The Home Business Network
Global Coastal - Global Web Solutions - E-Commerce Sold me a website - pushed off Advertising salesman as my coach pd for advertising never got it, plus charged me twice. Have left numerous calls never hear back. I have also filed with the

Global Fortune Network
Consumer Report

Global Fortune Network
Consumer Report

Global Fortune Network
Consumer Report

Global Fortune Network
Consumer Report

Global Net Warehouse
Www Company scams and puts hard sell tactics on you for advertising. Website traffic never materializes so the website doesn't produce. Ripoff

Global Fortune Network
Consumer Report

Global Fortune Network
Bled me dry, went out of business, kept my money

Global Fortune Network
False Promises, refuse to return calls, Refuse Refund

BTSI Network
Mark Williams Home Business Pharmacy and Medications Big income Ripoff