Janet Harson Astrologe
Consumer Report


She took payment and never sent the promised read, and continues to send solicitations daily. I have replied to her solicitations several times and keep getting solicitations. So either she has a lot of guts or does not believe i would turn her in. I feel that since she has been paid not delivered a product and keeps sending me offers she ought to have to refund my payment and give me a quality read for free just to prove she is not a fake. If you over a service you shouldnt be able to get paid until you have the finshed product to provide the person, in other words if she offers this service i accept she completes the agreed upon read and for me to get acess to it i must pay her that way she will have a harder time to scam people because she has to do her job to get paid. This should be a service requirement to do business online.

Company: Janet Harson Astrologe
Country: USA
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