Ethos360 A.K. A
Consumer Report


There was no signed contract with this company just inquired about there services they asked for my credit card and said they would not charge me unless I accepted there terms and conditions and signed there contract. I have not signed anything or accepted there terms as there price for a business plan was ludicrous and highly expensive. I called there ffice and they said they would refund my monies and it was a mistake in there database. A week later I found out they abrubtly closed shop and there web site and telephone lines were down and an article indicated that the owner was charged for fraud and using an alias name for another business venture he had in Oregon operating as PBX. I have seen I am not alone in this and many were charged without authorization to there credit cards. Any help would be appreciated at this time in getting my monies that they tooj from me without any consent from me or authorization.

Company: Ethos360 A.K. A
Country: USA
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Business Plan

Ethos 360
Consumer Report

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