Consumer Report


This was a Fake job posting on Craigslist. This is not a real job. They send you an automated response email stating "Thank you for emailing us in regards to the available job opening. Good news, we would like to setup an interview with you! Please login through Facebook to access our corporate website and learn more job details including hours, salary, and more information about our company http://uniqvision.info? Id=9c183b8fa5

We look forward to setting up an interview with you next week!

This was inevitably a waste of my valuable time. I even researched the company and this person does not exist! Then about 2 hours later, they send another email wanting you to get your "free credit score" to print and bring to the interview and again the link they provide is through Facebook. I did not follow their link or even attempt to obtain my credit score because I had already discovered it was a Fake Company!

Best Regards,
Danielle Cambell
HR Department

Company: UniqVision
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa Clara
ZIP: 95054
Address: 3220 Scott Blvd
Phone: 4083300818
Site: uniqvision.com
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