Times of india money transfer remit2india money transfer fraud incompetent


God I wish I had read these reviews. Would have saved me a heartburn and a few tums.

I needed to send some money to India and registered with this website. Fact that it was linked to Times of India seemed to make it sound legit (live n you learn). Anyway, some calls to customer service later, my transfer order is placed. I'm asked to give specific times when I can talk to some compliance team. I gave them a 12 hour window and no call. Then someone calls me up and leaves no message. An email after a few hours confirms it's the compliance team, but no call back number. I email asking them to call me back and call their customer service as well. Three more days later, I get a call from a "compliance officer" and am asked all kinds of questions like where I work, where I worked before, how much I make and who'se the person receiving it and why they need the money. I was peeved with the questions, but thought security is security. Guy hangs up after 15 minutes and says money will be transfered by so n so date. Next day evening, I get a call saying my transfer has been cancelled.

After 6 days, they cancel my transaction. Wtf. They don't take complaints and will not acknowledge any issues. Some random compliance committee had decided to cancel it and they won't talk to me or offer an explanation. They now want me to spend money and wire them the money, with no guarantee that the money will be delivered.

How the hell is this a valid company and are they making any money?

Save yourself the hassle. It would be easier to fly to the country and hand deliver the money than use them

Company: Remit2india
Country: USA
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Labor Law Compliance Institute
Their business name is deceitful making you think it is a State entity and when they talk to you they make you think that it is mandatory that you have to buy from them to be in compliance

American grants
Grant money up front


AT&T Broadband Residential
Customer service and phone numbers - internet service

Xoom Global Money Transfer
Does not transfer funds in a timely manner and poor customer service

Reserve Bank of India
Consumer Report

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Ripoff I was charged 121.18 to cancel my account after trying for over amonth for to cancel the account when they did not transfer my numbe

Bank of America
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Western Union
Has no safeguards to unsure correct recipient picks up money in INDIA