Yahoo Messaging And Facebook And Through Text Messages From His Cell
Consumer Report


Well his name is larry andrews and he came off as a really sweety gentlemen working in africa, we chatted for three days. He made everything sound so very convincing. Then only after a couple of days, he asked me to send 500 for hotel bills and 200 for spending. To Western Union to this address, (COUNTRY-Nigeria, STATE-Lagos, CITY-Ikeja, ZIP-23401) then he stated the security question was color and the answer would be blue. I got the suspension that something was up. So i looked up the adress and come to find out it is the address to a scam artist. So im reporting, so it doesn't happen to anybody else. Luckily i found out before it was to late...

Company: Yahoo Messaging And Facebook And Through Text Messages From His Cell
Country: USA
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Advertised on Online Quokka. Free German Shepherd. Vanessa Susan Home
Consumer Report

Bishop Jack Felton
Consumer Report

Report: Nancy Parker - Anthony Davidson - Cheryl Gibson
Rottie Puppy Scam - out of Lagos, Lagos

Under The Board Of The Nigeria Children Village, Save Our Soul (S.O. S)
Moses morgan aka board of the nigeria children village, save our soul (s.O. S) money transfer, home rental, missionary worker, Lagos, internet

Charles Lynn/Emmit
Consumer Report

Prof. Morgan And Dr. Debbie
They were trying to rent the house out due to their relocation in africa for missionary work. California

Rachie Sullivan
And Alisha McDonalds ripoff nigeria missionary puppy scam Lagos State

Facebook and Yahoo messager and person
Consumer Report

Thompson Brown
Person Email Address: expressdelivery. LAGOS / NIGERIA Japan OR England

Juliet charley
She pretended to be my girl friend and she wanted to be with me and she needed money to leave africa