Consumer Report


I applied for an Administrative Assistant position and the very next morning I received an email from "Mike" telling me to complete application and open an account with Ok this seems normal.

Then he tells me when I am done to contact Sandy at another email address and she will instruct me on what to do next. She wants to "invite" me to take an unemployment survey, and I could get $500.00 to help with bills. I find this strange and did not do this.

I e-mailed her and asked if I would not be considered for the position if I did not take this survey and did not receive a the email she sent she told me to contact "Heather" in HR and she will provide me with links to more job websites.

Although I questioned some of what I was doing and did not do all of the steps, i feel I gave them to much information (possibly my SS#, not sure if I did because I canceled at some point.

When they stared asking for license and insurance companies, I canceled what I was doing. And when I sent all three of the a joint email requesting information regarding the company and I received no response again, I figured this was a scam. Not sure, but I think so.

Stay away from this. I also researched on line and someone else got the exact same request.

Company: Ecruiter4jobs
Country: USA
City: Beaumaris
Address: 8 East concourse
Phone: 01161390057904
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Consumer Report

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