TriState Ducts
Steve Miller PT WORK SCAM


TriState Ducts hires people to work as many days as they can, then fires them five days before their payday, claiming that if your not an employee, you don't get your pay for the hours you put in. This is how...

TriState Ducts posts job ads on looking for part-time "customer service reps". The ad contains very little job description and no details about the company (including the name of the business or any employees / HR staff), making the job seem like a perfect easy PT position.

When going in for an interview, all you need is a resume, no references or application to fill out. You find out its a sales job making cold-calls and booking appointments for air duct cleanings. This is when Steve speeds up his pace and rushes through the pay periods and the differences between "Draw" and "Commission" pay. He then has his famous line "So if you want tho start tomorrow/Monday (depending on the day of interview of course) then sign here and date."

After signing this paper, he goes on quickly to mention that if on the 10th or 25th of the month (payday) you are not employeed with the company, you forfeit your hours worked and will get a $20 commission pay for every appointment booked. Also note, he does take down any information or make you show identification or fill out a 1099 form for taxes.

Now it's only part time, 9-1 Mon-Fri (Saturdays are as needed But Steve tells you every Sat. That your needed anyway). So after working there 3 weeks, putting in over a total 55 Hrs., Steve calls you and tells you the the owner has decided to part ways with you. Mind you, this is roughly a week before your first payday. He does this to two employees each time. I was a new hiree fired along with another sweet girl. The second week there, I noticed two guys (who said they had been there about a month) didn't show up only a day before their payday. I never seen them again and figure they were let go the same way.

I got my check from Steve in the mail for $60.00. Do the math, approximately $1.00/HR. The paper I signed said that "Draw" pay would average out to $7.88/HR.

My conclusion is that this company is broke as shit, and they need laborers to try to sell their services, however, they cannot afford to pay everyone at once.

May I mention quick, this "boss" Steve, snorts percocet at his desk in front of the employees (the office is only one room-everyone at a desk across from his), constantly drinks and gets wasted throughout the week (especially on "beer fridays" and saturdays), and trys to hand out adderall like it's a goddamn breath mint.

So anyway, Steve is now telling me that my first five days were a "trial period", and the rest of the 36 Hrs. Didn't count because I was not employeed with them on the 10th. Never did I think I would get fired. I made over 350 calls a day, came in on every saturday, and didn't have a single no call/no show (like other employees I witnessed). This company is a Bullsh*t business and they're airducts in the building were disgusting. No one could breathe. Everyday, everyone was constantly blowing their noses 24/7. It was disgusting, just like Steve, and just like his mentality on running a legitamite respectable business.

Unemployeed people, Beware, he'll hire you quick with this glorious perception of an easy PT Job, then he'll fire you even quicker and keep your money for his alcohol and drugs. Just a friendly warning from a stupid Angry blonde.

Company: TriState Ducts
Country: USA
State: Wisconsin
City: Milwaukee
Address: 1442 N. Farwell Ave. #200
Phone: 8474180128
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