Westwood College
Consumer Report


Institution of higher learning my (Inappropriate Content Removed)
I am at my wit's end with this degree mill. They lied to me in every way, shape and form. Ben my admission counselor (Salesman) stated credits would be transferable, now they post on the website they are not transferable. Degree can be used to obtain a better position or higher paying job. Now they state is only gives you the tools to succeed. Lies, lies, lies...

Even the Dean, School of Technology of WOL who I met lies to me about future accreditation. Where does it end?
Westwood has voluntarily dropped from Regional Candidacy. As I work a second job (nights and weekends) trying to pay for this now $80,000 education that is worthless, trying to stay afloat of this financial (Inappropriate Content Removed) that this college create, my anger grows. So what did I learn that cost me $80,000 and nothing but grief, financial insecurity and embarrassment? That For-Profit schools like Westwood are out to make money off the backs of those who want to succeed and have dreams by lying and making false promises. They are in it only for the money and will not supply you with an education that will allow you to enter the job market. You will be placed so far into debt that no matter what job you apply for, you will not be able to realistically pay it off timely and if you do get a degree from them, it is better used as toilet paper.

I was duped and feel like I’ve been made a fool by attending this joke of a college. Yes, I am trying to pay off this bogus debt. I have been in the IT business for over 20 years, hold certifications in Cisco, Microsoft and database administration, all obtained prior to Westwood. Here's how great they are, of those that graduated from Westwood with me, here is a list of their current positions as of today: Manager KFC, Walmart Clerk, Homeless and Unemployed, Clerk 7-11, Student (went to a real college to start over)

Now the have a placement guarantee that is really not a guarantee. See the other posts to see how it works. It's your money that they are giving back to you if they cannot help you find a job. You are still paying for it and once the six months are up, you are still saddled with outrageous school loans.

No one who graduated with me was able to work in their field of study and failed to keep their promise of job assistance. Westwood college (joke) needs to be shut down.

Westwood ruined my credit, finances and future dreams.

I am amazed at the amount of fraud, deceit and lies from this degree mill. Online research has provided me with some interesting information.

On 04/20 the BBB accreditation wassuspended due to recent government action concerning the marketplaceand its customers that demonstrates a significant failure of thecompany to support the principles and purposes of BBB accreditation. The matter will be reviewed by the BBB's Board of Directors at its next meeting.

On December 14 the Colorado Commission of Higher Education (CCHE) changed Westwood College's status from Full Authorization to Probationary Authorization due to it's probation order from the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges.

The Department of Veterans Affairs has pulled GI Bill funding from all three Texas campuses of a for-profit college accused of misleading advertising and enrollment practices.

At the December 2 regular CCHE meeting, Commissioners voted to defer action for Westwood College until staff had received notification from the Accrediting Commission for Career Colleges and Schools. Department staff received a "Continued Probation Order" from the ACCSC on December 9,
2010. The ACCSC reviewed the September 1 Probation Order and the school's response to that action at its November meeting. It was determined that the school has not demonstrated compliance with the ACCSC's requirements relative to student achievement outcomes.

Additionally, Westwood College was requested to provide information with regard to compliance to several and various state agencies and other accreditors given the allegations of the Government Accountability Office August 4 report.

On April 6 the United States of America (on behalf of the United States Board of Education) filed an Amended Complaint in the United State District Court of the Northern District of Texas. Charges filed indicate the business was in violation of state law prohibiting a failure to comply with Statutory and Regulatory Requirements for Proprietary School Operations. Particularly, some charges related to unethical and/or misleading recruitment practices, failure to report unsatisfactory job placement rates for graduates, and/or failure to properly register school representatives. The matter was resolved by a settlement in March.

In Westwood's parent company, Alta Colleges Inc., of Denver, agreed to pay the U.S. Government $7 million to settle a lawsuit accusing the Texas campuses of submitting falsified federal student aid forms.

Wow... And they have the nerve to tell me they are transparent?

Company: Westwood College
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
ZIP: 80221
Address: 7604 Technology Way, Suite 400
Phone: 3038461785, 8882276710, 3038461700
Site: westwood.edu
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Westwood College
Westwood is a Scam

Westwood College
Westwood is a Scam

Westwood College
Alta College, Redstone Westwood Lied to Me

Westwood College
Redstone, Alta College Lying Degree Mill

Westwood College
Redstone, Alta Scammers, Liars, Thieves and Cheats

Weestwood College
Alta college, Redstone College Westwood College, Rip-Off, Worthless Degrees, Getting Revenge

Westwood College
Degree is Worthless

Westwood College
Redstone, Alta Westwood College and Other For-Profit Scammers

Westwood College
Definately reconsidering enrollment in this school after completing my online research

Westwood College
For Profit Scams and Lies