VSA Pilgrim
Consumer Report


Personal assistant service hires temp employees for various tasks. Begins with 2 week trial which they conveniently make sure you are unlikely to be hired full time. They give you assignments which are at best unclear as to the scope of the assignment. The dole out information piece meal. They fail to provide you with the necessary instruments (documents) to successfully complete your assignments. I would not recommend them as a service nor as a temp to full employmeny opportunity. They steal your time.

Company: VSA Pilgrim
Country: USA
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Great help with my college assignments

Hire Dynamics
You DO NOT want to work for this company!

Data Processors
Did not pay me

OHL, dry food warehouse
Excess of authority

Kaplan University
Gave me zeros with no clarification, the professor did not want to grade my assignments

Real Data Entry
RealDataEntry.net They sent me work to read and critique. I did it, and then they failed to pay me for it


Underpaying me starting on October 1 to December 14

Rochester, Inc
Daniel Roche Deceptive Employment Offer, Scam Artist, Fraudulent Website and Years of Service

Secret Shopping, Inc
Andrew Palmer and Sonia Coleman Issue a check for $1989.36 and did not honor it with my bank after money was withdrawn to complete their assignments