I do not know the name ONLY the phone numbe
Consumer Report


Fill out a form on line to get a FREE 100.00 gift card for wal-mart. They have TEXTED me 10.00 worth as I do not have texting, I have ask repeatly for them to STOP. They did not, I got ugly with them on the phone the MAN I talked to was VERY ugly, and threating, threating to KEEP texting me, at my cell phone number
770 550 1641, He told me there was not (Inappropriate Content Removed) in Alabama, and that he would KEEP texting me ALL he wanted too. I have had enough SOMTHINGNEEDS TO BE DONE, here is their phone number 855 537 2416. PLEASE help me as I am on a FIXED income and feel that they have LIED and scamed me wanting my Visa number BUT I did not give it. He tried to threaten me into it. PLEASE help me

Company: I do not know the name ONLY the phone numbe
Country: USA
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Flycell needs to be stopped! Fraudently charging for premimum text services. New York New York

Verizon wireless
Getting Charge for Texting When I Don't Even Know How to Text!

Consumer Report

Winley Marketing
Consumer Report

Eing carged

Consumer Report

T Mobile
Wouldn't block text messages-then charged 163.00 in overages after I added texting

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report