Ivory White
Consumer Report


Followed a contest under Walmart. I agreed to pay $3.00 for the article. When I got my Visa I was charged $79.15 plus $1.06 plus $3.96 in American currency. When I phoned about it, I was told that there would be no refund even if I sent it back. I argued with them that it was a scam and I received no help from the operator who closed off on me. I want my money refunded to me. You can have the product. I defnitely would never get involved with this scam again. They should be prosecuted. Thank you.

Company: Ivory White
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Boulder
ZIP: 80301-3334
Address: 6205 Lookout Rd, Ste D
Phone: 8009644593
Site: ivorywhite.com
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Ivory White, Boulder, Colorado
Ivory White I order a free trial on 08/13/09 this was received 08/15/09. Then on 08/21/09 they charged my bank account $190.18 six days after - I did not have the eight days to try this product. Refused shipment

Jeffrey Alexander Ormesher
Jeffrey Alexander Dead Beat Dad ripoff

Ivory White
Consumer Report

Ivory White
They charged me 78.41 for a 1.00 trial offer and refused to give me all of my money back

Ivory White
Is A SCAM, IVORY WHITE took my money unauthorized and product doesn't work

Ivory White
Beware no refunds from Ivory White even if you don't receive it.internet

American Alliance Investment Group

Ivory White

Wu-yi Source
Unauthorized charges

Charged my visa and did not send product