British finance in india new delia plus loans
Consumer Report


Hi if you need a loan please do not pay advance payment. If you ask for that then you been scammed. Or if you think been scammed by a us soldier ask for base phone number, do not let barrister patrick from ghana help you, you will be scammed also by him. So be very carefull paying money out to any body. There pick you from the scammer book saying there will help you. But there only scamm you for money. So scammerbook have to do some think abouth that. As barrister patrick from ghana saying he still has my money from the us goverment $500.000.00 but will not pay me the money untill i pay him so more money to get my money. I hope the us goverment can help me with that. I have emailed the white house becoc of this and hope to have help from them. Any body out there with out paying more money can help me please do so
thank you

Company: British finance in india new delia plus loans
Country: USA
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Barrister patrick chambersjustice4 all chambers@yahoo. Compatrick kwa
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Mr Wa Jerong M. D Dan Water Loan Company is a scam wont give out loans and lies about fees and no refunds given

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