Orthodontic Office in Nashville, TN
Consumer Report


I emailed a resume to a craigslist ad. I am a dental assistant looking for work and this supposed Orthodontic practice was looking for a new assistant. I have received one email from hrsusangold@suitsformenonline.info telling me to login to facebook and check out the corporate site, and it had a link. Problem #1- why would an HR dept for a dentist be and suit store, #2- I have no idea what the name of the "practice" is... And #3- the link listed was bogus! I responded by asking for the practice name.instead I got another email, this time from a m. Verano@rockhardtees.info, telling me I was one of 15 candidates selected, but they needed me to complete this online credit check first, bc they are a "high dollar producing" office. There was a link listed here as well. Yeah, I dont think so! Rock hard tees??? Really, thats the best they could do?! No way in heck am I giving someone my credit info when I dont even know the name of the dang company!!! Beware!

Company: Orthodontic Office in Nashville, TN
Country: USA
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The Job Push, Career Network Inc
Bogus Employment Website

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Numark Systems LLC
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1st Premier Staffing
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Song. Luisi12885@yahoo.com
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Tina Renno m. Verano@rockhardtees.info
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Steve fowler Rip-off ad for a receptionist job just to get your email and then send you a phony web link