Cash finance direct
Consumer Report


It was the begining of sept i filled applications on line for a loan. I kept getting texts off the company saying urgent, please ring i have good news regarding your loan. I have made 2 phone calls to them one at 15.00 pou nds the other 23.00 pounds. And they are still texting
as from 4.10 11. Ive wrote to them, weeks ago and heard nothing

Company: Cash finance direct
Country: USA
State: Cheshire
City: Stockport
Address: Floor 7 / Dale House, Tiviot Dale
Phone: 4401612460237
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Affiliated with, "We fix" A Disasterous Ripoff!

Red stone cash
Red stone cash on-line loan, HIGH fees not explained well!

White Hills Cash
Consumer Report

Sam martian
Consumer Report

I never signed an agreement with this company to take a loan but somehow money showed up in my bank account without my knowledge. I am now being charged $60 every two weeks in finance charges

"they"ll take your TITLE and rip you off to the MAX" -titlemax

Unlimited Local Savings
I went to a on - line pay day loan site two weeks later i look at my bank account and 49.99 is out from this company i called and they said that they were tied to that company and when i applied to the

The Finance Facility
Consumer Report

Pepper Cash Direct Pay
Pepper Cash Direct

SGE Loans
Consumer Report