PCT-Acc.com ca
Consumer Report


I found a charge for 39.99 on my bank statement from a pct-acc.com. It said it was for pc tools renewal. I did not authorize this charge so i looked into it and the website does not exsist. The only online purchase I had made in months was from piratefacetattoos.com. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it, just felt i should mention in case anyone else has had this problem?

Company: PCT-Acc.com ca
Country: USA
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PC Tools Renewal Pct Acc -com caus
Consumer Report

PC Tools
Fraudulent charge 5 years later for product Spyware Doctor// Mountain View

Charged $39.85 on my bank account UNAUTHORIZED ON 9/22/08

Dri*tiba online games pos 400609
Looking on my online account I saw a charge that I did not authorize so I looked it up unknown

Spyware Doctor / PC Tools
Automatic renewal, almost impossible to cancel

PC Tools
Fraudulently billed for recurring license

PC Tools
Auto Renewal BOGUS charge to my bank account

Charged $9.87 to my Visa debit card

PCTools Renewal PCT-ACC.com.ca
Consumer Report

Consumer Report