Smash Clicks
Consumer Report


I authorized $6.11 to pay the shipping for what was supposed to be a free trial. I paid the amount 6.11 on Sept 12 and have yet to receive the product. However on the 26 of September the amount of 95.59 was taken in my account for another bottle of the product and I have not authoriezed the company to do that as I do not know if I want to continue taking the product. But from what I read I will not receive the product at all. Too bad for the company who are honest as now I will never order online from a company that I do not know. Mc

Company: Smash Clicks
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
ZIP: 33607
Address: 3001 North Rocky Point Drive East, Suite 200
Phone: 8556264648
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Rip Off $89.31 Online

Smash Clicks
Consumer Report

Central Coast Nutra
This company charged my account twice on Sept 23 and I did not receive anything from the company

Colon Cure All you pay is $3.99 S&H for a "FREE TRIAL" Then Charge your CC $89.31 Before you recieve the product. Jackpot

Smash Clicks
Consumer Report

No Free Trial wanted me send back the product that I paid to get shipped to me

Beach Ready, LLC
Consumer Report

Free Trial Offer - Teeth Whitening Product

A L O R É serum a f r a u d from Nevada and Toronto

Diet Patch Today
Consumer Report