John Sean -
Consumer Report


Now that I've researched it, it's the identical story so many others have reported. The "person" says they are out of town, and want to pay by mailing me a money order. That's as far as mine went. But, I'm told that next they will contact me saying they made a mistake and sent too much. And, that I'm supposed to send them back the difference. I ALMOST fell for it hook line and sinker. Thankfully sites like this one are out there!

Company: John Sean -
Country: USA
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South Bay Office Products, Inc
Same Story-Different Victim
Consumer Report

Ebanda Besala
Selling puppies only needed to pay title treansfer, he would pay shipping, and I was sucker cause I really wanted to have the puppy and was to trustsworthing douala

Particular, johnstoress19/foutianknowledge/junfur54 all
Consumer Report

Sean maxwell a.k. a sgt sean maxwell
And john massey scammed me out of 3,500 for a 2003 mecerdes benz cl55 amg

Fulfillment International
Corp rip-off! We fell for it hook line and sinker! Ripped off for $824!

Sean Keating and Partner
Breakwater Yachts Sean Keating and Partner of Breakwater Yachts File Bogus Complaints and Misrepresent facts to Customers and Business Partners

Danny Halcault
Consumer Report

Hook line & sinker scam

The Global Coonnection And IMG
Ripoff the products they say they offer are pure junk