Platinum Online Group
Consumer Report


My account was debited $99.00 and made it overdraw. I called to get a refund and cancel my account. They said they would cancel my account but it was non refundable. I said that they did not tell me that this was not like a regular card and you can only use it online. All I was told was there was a $19.00 charge, I was never told about a $99.00 charge and I would not have agreeed to that. I did not aurthorize anything to be taken out of my account. They said they readthe terms exactly and if there was anything not mentioned or wrong then someone would have come on the line and stopped the process. I asked for a manager and that person said that he was the manager for today. They just kept saying that I did agree to all the terms and I said no I did not. They stole money from me.

Company: Platinum Online Group
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sherman Oaks
ZIP: 91403
Address: 15165 Ventura Boulevard Ste. 200
Phone: 8182559973
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Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

Platinum Online Group
Consumer Report

Platinum Online Group
Unauthorized withdrawl

Platinum Online Group
Platinum Online Group stole money from my bank account

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Memberservicesusa, national Platinum member services usa, national Platinum, charge it Major Ripoff Beware Don't Let This happen To You!

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Lied to me on the phone, and now they're telling me something different from i read in the terms

Platinum Benefit Group
Stole 129.95 directly from account with specific denial of authorization

Credit Line Gold Card
They lied about the charges being deducted on a certain date from my bank account. Ripoff

Platinum Benefits Group
Signed up for payday loan, took 139.95 from my account, non refundable Ripoff

Platinum Online Group
Withdrew $99 without my authorization